SAVE THE DATE!           Point Roberts SolarFest2024

SAVE THE DATE! Point Roberts SolarFest2024

Celebrating all things solar! The first ever Point Roberts SolarFest will showcase the power and possibilities of solar energy with engaging and educational activities for all ages. Come learn about the technology, the cost savings, the energy security, and more while enjoying great food and music at the Fire Hall. To volunteer or learn more, please use the form below or email us directly at

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Call for Volunteers! Planning for Solar Events & Festival Meeting

Call for Volunteers! Planning for Solar Events & Festival Meeting

If you enjoy working with others to host a community event, or if you are an artist or a musician that wants to get involved...we need you! Resilient Point Roberts Going Solar would like to invite any member of our community to join us this Tuesday night to help us plan a week of fun, educational and creative events to help raise awareness about solar energy.

You don't need to know anything about solar to get involved.

Here are some Solar Festival ideas that members have suggested so far...

  • a kids SUNdae making competition

  • painting a street mural

  • hosting "Resilient Community" - a simulation game

  • organizing a music festival - with a sun theme

  • hosting a workshop on community solar with Puget Sound Electricity

  • helping to construct a demonstration project with solar

Do any of those ideas appeal to you? If you have the energy and time to support a week of community activities October 7 to 12, join us Tuesday night July 30th at the Community Centre from 7pm to 8:30pm - refreshments provided. And if you can't make our organizing meeting, but you still want to be involved, please reach out to

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4th of July Parade with Going Solar!

4th of July Parade with Going Solar!

Join us or cheer us on at the 4th of July Parade! Wear your favorite sun-themed gear and help us promote Resilient Point Roberts: Going Solar, bringing affordable and accountable solar power to our community.

We welcome all children and families to walk or ride with us! Special treats and info kits for young people.

Parade starts at 12noon. To parade with our float, please meet at 11:30am in Breakers parking lot.

Please register your interest in the form below.

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Become A Volunteer

We are a team of volunteer neighbors learning what it means to build a resilient community together. Any and all skill sets are welcome! Our current working groups include: Communications & Outreach, Technology & Assessment, Education & Research, Hosting & Logistics, Fundraising & Government Relations.